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Times & Fees

Sunbeams Educare provides care for children during term time from 2 ½ to 5 years of age. Morning sessions run from 9.15-12.15. Lunch club is run every day except Wednesdays from 12.15-1.15, parents/carers provide a packed lunch. Additional sessions run during the afternoons from 1.15 - 3.45 on a Monday, Thursday and Friday. Full day care is also offered on these days, 9.15 - 3.45.

Sunbeams nursery is registered by Ofsted to have a maximum of 26 children per session, and during such session the nursery would have 4 or 5 members of staff involved.


Parents/carers will need to fill in a registration form along with a £5.00 registration fee and their child's name will then go onto the waiting list. The registration fee will be reimbursed when their child receives government funded hours. Places are offered in order of age.


Two year old early learning funding and 30 hours funding is available to families who meet the criteria (please see Sam for further details). The term after your child's third birthday the government will fund a maximum of 15 hours per week. Until your child is funded the cost is £5.80 per hour. Fees are payable in advance during the first week of each month. We regret we cannot refund for absences or holidays taken during term time.